Saturday 29 July 2017

dream daddy part 7 - at the mall


Suzy buys her daughter a meal at the food court and asks her to explain memes.

A Hot Topic-like store comes up in conversation and Suzy talks about the time she worked at an actual Hot Topic.

Heehee, "Dead, Goth & Beyond" :)

Suzy woops at the Goth Dad character appearing :)

That evening, they watch a TV show that's a mash up of all kinds of shows, crossing between ghost hunting and icy road trucking. Love the starry night outside! Makes the house look cosy :)

The next day they head to a barbecue and meet Joseph's family, including that woman from the bar the other night. Uh oh!

As for the voices to be switched... I'm not sure. I'll have to listen to them.

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