Sunday 16 July 2017

paper mario ttyd part 90 - don pianta hangs up his fedora


Danny and Arin create broken English speaking let's players :)

They find the ring and Arin makes jokes about a ball and chain in a non metaphorical sense.

Ah so you can have more than one super replenishing item from the whack-a-mole thing? That's great :) better than the Yggdrasil Leaf from Dragon Quest even!

Another Luigi diss! Aww :)

They said "poorly" at the same time! That's awesome :)

I never thought about that actually... Don Pianta must have a hole in his fedora to allow for the palm tree on his head to go through!

So yeah, Don Pianta retires after recovering and Frankie and Francesca take over the syndicate. At least they get the special ticket they've been looking for :)

That was funny about Danny nodding off for a moment :) take care of yourself man...

One of the witches overhears them going for the next area and vows to beat them to it.

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