Sunday 9 July 2017

doodle doods episode 18 inspector gadget featuring ding dong and julian - wowsers!


Ross and Chris OneyNG are joined by Ding Dong and Julian again to draw Inspector Gadget characters! In Paint! Wowsers!

They talk about their Inspector Gadget childhood memories :) I really liked it as a kid when it first came on TV over here.

Ross draws Terminator Inspector Gadget and was unaware Robot Chicken did that first, Ding Dong & Julian draw him with gadgets coming out of his mouth and Chris draws him er... naked.

Penny next. Ross draws her with a Rick and Morty kind of face and her arms have been chopped off by her uncle... wtf! The others draw her in different styles as well.

Chris draws Ross as a very rubbery Ross!

Next is Brain. Ross draws him as being Dr Claw's true identity all along! What a twist! Inspector Gadget was right to be suspicious of him all the time in the show! Chris draws one of his freaky scrawny drawings but also Inspector Gadget with a bone shape coming out of his head :P Ding Dong & Julian have a very suggestive drawing!

Next is Dr. Claw. Ross draws him as an innocent baby just doing a prank, Chris draws him as a freaky gremlin thing and Ding Dong and Julian draw the bomb in the chair from the original show's opening :)

Not one "brown bricks" joke or reference! I'm shocked :O

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