Friday 7 July 2017

homer's character arc - by brandon turner


This cartoon was inspired by the amazing Grumpcade episode where Arin, Chris OneyNG, Ding Dong and Julian were playing Simpsons Hit & Run!

All the guys are drawn in Brandon's usual style and the Simpsons characters are also drawn and animated really well! Many of the various experimental and off-beat styles from the TV show are here too!

And of course the voices were something else from this episode! Especially Marge's! They made her out to be like some monstrous demon thing and it's a cool thing to realise as a cartoon. Of course there's Homer doing all the "ooh"s and "But Marrrrrrrrge"s as well :)

I've been watching OneyPlays lately and it's really good! Often quite raw and very very funny! I got quite a few belly laughs out of it, so I've been thinking about writing blog posts for that show too. I'll see...

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