Tuesday 25 July 2017

sonic unleashed part 21 - sonic the werehog would make excellent arms dlc

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD8oEkLs7n4

Arin and Danny learn that rings replenish werehog HP.

Ahh... Mr Hatcher :) that was a funny episode and I got some nice feedback too when I wrote about it!

They face the rad Dark Gaia Phoenix boss. Crazy trumpet playing alright!

The werehog pummeling looks cool :) especially the slam dunk finish!

You know what? Sonic The Werehog would make excellent ARMS DLC! With his stretchy arms and everything!

Love Danny's "Prepare the third barrel! Prepare it!" in a pleading voice. That came outta nowhere :)

With the level finally finished, they chat with Zonshen, the village elder who thanks them.

Chip gives the Phoenix some chocolate and they make jokes about it :)

That Game Grumps Animated about Subway was a classic :)

Yes please play even more of this game :)

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