Saturday 8 July 2017

paper mario ttyd part 83 - arin reliable narrator


Danny and Arin talk about viewer experience vs their own player experience. Some interesting points, especially about games being about discovering cool stuff.

They talk about going long enough to rename the show to "Game Gramps"! I'll have to rename the fan blog too I guess :) I would love them to keep going forevs.

In a dark turn, they talk about seppuku :( yeesh! The story Arin unreliably narrates during the tremor move was amusing though :)

That's funny to imagine the Toad in the inn watching them while they slept! :P

Then they have to save with the faulty memory card... yeesh. Love the GRUMP_YACHT dot jpg that the editors put up when Danny asks what they're doing with the money instead of buying a proper first party memory card :)

There is a solution to this saving problem though: If you go to the console's file management screen you can transfer saves to a different memory card from there.

After all that, Flavio says they still haven't found the treasure from the cave... aw...

Nice text from Ross :) I've been watching the Commander Holly vlogs of their Ireland trip! I doubt I'll bump into them but... it would be cool :)

They look up some cool facts about komodo dragons.

Yeah, the Wii was just the best :) it was both bizarre and the best!

Hm... I wonder how they'll get that winch...

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