Monday 31 July 2017

miitopia part 2 - jimmy the female pop star joins the party!


Ross, Holly and Jimmy get Danny's face back! Ross does a good Danny voice :)

They meet a girl dressed like Mario and she's a Nintendo fangirl! She sounds like a dream come true, but it turns out she's just advertising Amiibos :(

They can't scan Amiibo right now anyway because they're using the capture card. Shucks... the Grump office is full of Amiibos.

Holly suggests the easy path but the others decide on and take the tough path.

Ross shows his devious side when he trolls Jimmy by picking Chinigan instead of him! Wow Jimmy can get mad!

He picks Jimmy eventually after joking around and Jimmy goes insane with joy when the option for female pop star shows up! Nice bow!

Holly doesn't know the Donkey Kong 64 rap?! She hasn't lived!

They eventually bring in Chinigan to be the Great Sage. Ross explains who he is. Chinigan is an old Game Grumps meme and I remember Fortune Street (Press 2 Ross!) :) Ross gives him a nasally sounding voice :)

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