Sunday 1 November 2015

Bulb Boy


Barry and Ross play this unusual and cute looking adventure point and click game that has a kid whose head glows. Bizarre.

They seem genuinely fascinated by this game and all the weird stuff in it so it's more about hanging out and joining them in the weirdness than it is about making jokes(though there will be jokes!). It's cool how the kid's head is the only thing that has light coming from it, so when they look in the wardrobe for example, everywhere goes dark.

it's a very puzzle oriented game. The playthrough itself is like a mini Sierra playthrough except with Barry instead of Danny.

There's one pretty cool room where these hands reach out and grab you. They look like floormasters from Wind Waker but not quite as blood curdling. It turns out though that they only want to grab the lightbulb head part of you so you can make your head detach and bounce across the chandeliers to get across the room. Ross and Barry note how it bounces along like the ball on song lyrics as you listen to one.

After the cutscene in the park, Ross makes this excellent groaner of a joke about the kid going to the bathroom. You'll know when you hear it and you will groan!

There's some really gross stuff in the fridge.

Then they have to deal with a giant headless turkey. They quickly hide from it using the bin or by using the pig's head. What they have to do here is cook something in order to bait the giant creature into the flaming oven.

Their next encounter with a big creature is a poo monster in the bathroom. Here they have to use almost everything in sight in order to break its mask and explode into bits.

And that's the game! I think that was the whole game anyway. Wow it's weird.

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