Monday 2 November 2015

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 37


First post about Link Between Worlds! Also the first post using the Game Grumps tag!

This is a wonderful series. Arin's played it before but this is Danny's first try and he plays through the game. Watching him go "whoa!" in surprise at all the cool stuff this game has to offer is a nice feeling! I knew they were going to play the game someday so I had to hurry and reach the ending myself before they did. It's without doubt one of the best recent Nintendo games.

We join Danny and Arin as they explore the desert using the sand rod. Poor Danny messes up a couple of times due to his huge thumbs so Arin steps in for a brief period to get them to the next weather vane and it's on into the next dungeon!

Danny feels bad about his thumbs but I think they're awesome. He is right about the 3DS being not the greatest controller ever though. Buttons are pretty small and circle pad can get slippery. He beats himself up a little too much about it but Arin comforts him. Aw!

Many sandy puzzles await and towards the end of the video they break into song. I have no idea what they're singing though!

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