Monday 3 July 2017

happy 28th birthday suzy!

Happy Birthday Suzy!

I saw a Nendoroid Mercy and immediately thought of you. Happy Birthday!

I think it's safe to say that Overwatch has been a very big part of the past year for you! I know it's a popular game anyway but you gotta be one of its biggest fans. Danny recently got training on it so he's more up to speed on the game than I am at this point!

You played some other great games this year. When you played Kirby's Epic Yarn with Arin, it was just the loveliest, cutest, most deliriously happy let's play I've ever seen!

There's also the sublime Night In The Woods, which will probably win some awards this year. I watched Commander Holly and Ross play through it after you and Arin stopped playing. Are ye coming back to it? I'd still watch! They took Bea's path and I'd like to see what other different stuff ye come across.

Congrats on the new kitty cat too! Hope Otto will have a lovely time with Mochi and Mimi!

Have a great day!

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