Saturday 1 July 2017

the g club - overwatch - episode 2 - life with overwatch


Barry, Arin, Suzy and Vernon get together to talk about Overwatch for over an hour.

Yeah the lootboxes are pretty much gambling.

Hmm... they also discuss the idea of it maybe going free to play and making its money through lootboxes. A bit of a what if scenario.

They also talk about the tide of players that come back when an event happens. Also pretty interesting.

They talk about "smurfing" and why everybody does it.

They talk quite a bit about toxic players too.

They talk about stuff they'd like to see too.

They also talk about how this game benefits their social life.

Yeah Arin! Stand up for the Dreamcast! :) he talks about Jet Set Radio, which was one of my favourite Dreamcast games too :) Yeah make a podcast about the Dreamcast :)

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