Sunday 13 August 2017

doodle doods episode 20 - hercules featuring perry - hades nuts


Ross and Chris OneyNG are joined by Perry today to draw characters from Disney's Hercules!

Nice Pikachu Zeus by Ross there :)

Interesting insight into what it's like at Ross' house! I'd rather have a Snickers too... Pet birbs don't sound too appetising... Yes I can guess they're joking :)

They start with Zeus and they all do a pretty good job! Ross and Chris' ones are pretty funny!

Hades next. Ross tries to come up with a Deez Nuts joke but Chris figures out the punchline first! It's "Hades Nuts" and it's a good one! Poor Ross gets so frustrated then!

They all draw him in funny ways. Chris' one is like a big lumpy spike and he's torturing Meg, who for some reason has a top hat. Perry's one is The Joker. They make a great troll about Disney owning Marvel so it could totally happen :P

Next is Phil. They get all religiously and politically controversial by saying not nice things about Kingdom Hearts. I guess it would be so since they're drawing Disney characters that have appeared in those games. Ross draws an inflated Phil, Chris' one is angry about poop and Perry's one has a few doodles, one of whom is Phil dressing as Danny DeVito's other character Frank Reynolds :)

Next is Meg. They talk a bit about drawing tablets. They also talk about their experience in doing their drawing jobs from a long distance. Very interesting to listen to. Ross draws Meg looking tired and with Rocko teeth for her big introduction, Perry draws her upper body falling off her lower body due to the weak waist and Chris draws her all withered!

Next is Wonderboy himself Hercules! Perry draws him like a funny hunched simian superhero, Chris draws him all lumpy and funny and Ross draws him like one of those serious cartoons.

They very quickly draw Pegasus too! Chris' one looks like it's in extreme pain!

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