Wednesday 23 August 2017

sonic unleashed part 44 - to eggman land!


Arin and Danny lure Chip in a totally non-predatory way.

That emerald placement along with Arin's squishy sound effect caught me off guard as well! So funny! :P

In the temple Chip goes through some kind of dimensional portal and has this weird moment of enlightenment. He then comes out remembering everything and talks about what's going on in the world with Gaia and everything and how it's his job to stop the Dark Gaia. They have some fun quips during this cut scene :)

Then it's back to the Pickle Lab. They locate Eggman Land and head right there.

Wow, imagine Metal Amy! That does sound weird and funny.

Danny wants to read more fan fiction before this series is over. Go for it :)

I do remember the last few levels of Sonic Unleashed. They were tough enough to time all the jumps and tricks and I remember losing lives a lot more than on any other level.

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