Friday 11 August 2017

dream daddy part 17 finale - dvd box sets and feels are the future


Suzy gives Amanda a massive complete series DVD box set as a present for graduating high school. A party awaits in the back yard too!

I like that we still have DVDs and box sets :) life makes more sense with them. It's nice not having to stream everything.

At the party all the daddies are here as well as the other wacky characters we met on this story :)

Aw man... these little subplot and interpersonal wrap ups are so cute :)

The dad and daughter moment between her and Amanda is so sweet and has all the feels :)

Same with Damien. There's a kiss and just lovely warm-hearted feels here too :)

Suzy mentions how the game isn't a "Dad smut" game but rather a game about "Dad feels". That's so right and just a great direction to take something like this.

Hmm... you know, this game could make for a great case study on masculinity in modern times or in the future. It would be a nice future, especially with how things are changing so much. It doesn't have to be a homosexual future but a more emotionally healthy one would be really good.

As a Game Grumps fan I'm really proud they made something like this :)

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