Tuesday 22 August 2017

wrath of the black manta part 2 - ninja parachute things

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ7ArzeulOk

Danny and Arin discover more weird little things about this game.

Things like replenishing health when you clear a room, the twinkly sound thing that happens when you defeat enemies up close and the various charge up Ninja Arts moves.

They still haven't figured out the secret doors and walls thing though. I never did when I played this as a kid so I don't blame them!

They finally defeat Tiny and move on to level 2! They have to figure out how to get the cape glider things from the ninja. It reminds me of the cape from Super Mario World. I wonder if that got its inspiration from ninja lore?

Anyway they find it agonising to try and get the cape from the ninjas. It is hard to get used to the various weirdness in this game! I'm glad they appreciate it on some level though :)

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