Saturday 5 August 2017

the g club - splatoon 2 episode 7 - multiplayer feedback


Arin, Barry and Matt discuss the recent Splatoon 2 and what they like and don't like about it.

They like the game but straight away they gotta talk about all the rules and protocols imposed on the player and general service stuff.

They do talk about the single player eventually as well :) this is what I'm interested in if I ever decide to get the game myself.

I like the raps they make for themselves on the game :)

They fantasize about a Grand Theft Auto-like Splatoon game :) might be interesting! There's no blood of course so it might be something that can work.

They don't seem to like motion controls. I like them for sniping in the first game.

Arin resists for the most part but at the end he has to rush to the bathroom.

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