Tuesday 8 August 2017

miitopia part 8 - jimmy's hungry

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-U1-A_Ogyg

Ross, Holly and Jimmy continue through the desert.

Maybe the Poison Moths should've been called Poison Mouths since they're represented with Mii mouths?

They get tickets for an arcade and Jimmy gets another crazy costume that he falls completely in love with :)

Ah so sleeping is like a healing move. That's good!

Nice to see Ross and Jimmy working out their differences :)

Jimmy goes even crazier when he gets the macho outfit that gives him washboard abs :)

They get to Prince Luigi and take on a Griffin boss. They do pretty well :)

Wow... when did Luigi get so pompous!

Luigi and Mario get in a love triangle with Princess Hank Hill. It's pretty entertaining :)

Poor Jimmy's exhausted so they take a break :)

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