Wednesday 16 August 2017

paper mario ttyd part 99 - a smorgasbord of a boss


Danny and Arin now have to deal with those weird cloud things called Smorgs that have invaded the train engine from the station and are all clogging up the windows too!

They eventually have to get out and on top of the train to deal with the Smorgs. These then assemble into a big Akira-like tangly monster!

They get three poison mushrooms in the roulette and suffer for it. That sucks! D:

They lose unfortunately :( that boss looks scary and scary tough.

It's the last episode of the recording day and there are only a few minutes left so they instead just hang out with us for a while :)

They look up jokes to tell. Some good ones and some dodgy ones too!

I gotta admit, until Arin clarified the "dead cat" being part of the microphone, I was getting worried!

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