Wednesday 30 August 2017

metal gear solid 3 subsistence part 12 - snake versus frogger


Barry, Suzy and Arin are in a dark cave where they can barely see anything apart from the HUD.

They come across a skeleton with crabs crawling over it. A torch too. I don't remember any of this stuff when I played. Been too long.

Love the various things Snake says when he eats something :) here they eat crab among various things.

So many skeletons in this cave... Bats too! It's funny to see Barry swishing the torch at them!

Vitamin B for "Bug". Hehehe :)

Too much food in this cave!

If this was a Roguelike, all the food they ate would make them die from stomach explosion.

Hehe I'd leave the bat killing to Snake's co-workers the Belmonts :)

Hopefully none of those frogs is Snake's other co-worker Frogger...

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