Tuesday 8 August 2017

dream daddy part 15 - amanda's teen drama

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfXn5dEziz8

Suzy hears Amanda crying in her room and tries to talk to her.

She wants to be left alone and Suzy eventually leaves her to it, going to bed herself and not sleeping out of worry.

The next day Amanda's kind of avoidant until Suzy tries to talk to her again. She has a cake baked for her too! It says "Sorry you're sad but I support you 100%". That's adorable :)

Amanda opens up and... wow. Teenage drama and friends and crushes... Suzy says she does not miss teenage drama and I don't blame her! Nice advice about treating people how you want to be treated yourself though :)

Before they've know it, they have the whole cake eaten! Ahahahaha! And we, the audience haven't seen it happen either! This is some great storytelling :)

And yes, very heartwarming, this moment between dad and daughter :)

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