Thursday 24 August 2017

paper mario ttyd part 101 - case closed


Danny and Arin arrive just in time to see Doopliss and the witch sisters steal the Crystal Star.

The detective penguin then tells them that was a red herring and that the real star is still hidden in the building!

They climb through all the obstacles, just to make a curtain move and eventually go on to collect the real Crystal Star! Yay!

I forgot the detective penguin's name was Pennington too :P

They find a badge that turns their clothes Luigi green :) Pennington can now be confused for a better reason! He's a bit of a weirdo but it does seem kinda lonely to leave him in this huge dark building all alone.

That's true Arin, that is an impolite word to use over here.

Then it's back to Sir Grodus and his beach bum minion to chat a while before going to Princess Peach and TEC for another funny voice sequence :)

Haha. Escape with a Moonber :P

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