Tuesday 8 August 2017

zelda's adventure part 7 - weirdest zelda characters ever

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMXW7ywcJ7Y

Arin and Danny make a funny intro about being called Randall from Randallworld :)

Whoaaaa... that giant mushroom is really bizarre. It's named Findo or something. The walkthrough author seems to be just as bewildered as the rest of us are!

Lots more NPC mingling when they go to the town. They have such bizarre dialogue and accents. They are incredibly fascinating! Arin and Danny stop the commentary not only to hear them, but out of awe! Seriously, they're weirder than Tingle.

There is something at every turn. One screen to the right of town and there's a murderous land octopus that makes Arin almost catatonic! It is so freaking bizarre...

Oh! So you give the dog a bone and it gives you an axe! How nice... :/

Yes guys, I beg of you! Please play more of this game! I'm even more sure I want to see more now than I was at the end of the last episode!

They end the episode nicely by defeating the freaky octopus. :)

I mean... Octoroks are weird in their own way but this is just a freaky photo-realistic wriggly thing.

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