Tuesday 22 August 2017

metal gear solid 3 subsistence part 4 - naked godzilla

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTjCVblp1lg

Barry, Suzy and Arin have fun with Snake's T. Rex pose and pretend to be Godzilla. Nice sound bite edited in :)

They put on the Italian flag face paint and go shirtless. Makes the cutscenes lots of fun :)

Then the big scene with the Boss on the bridge comes up.

Ahh... Barry has a great idea! Playing as the Cobra unit in a game set during World War II would be awesome :) They are exceptionally goofy though in contrast to the rest of the game... which is still goofy but on a different level.

That's an interesting Easter Egg! About The Sorrow's body being there.

Healing next time.

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