Monday 7 August 2017

miitopia part 7 - ross and jimmy talk about "mp candy"


Ross, Holly and Jimmy rendez vous with Princess Hank Hill.

They get a nice reward from her. The King then tasks them with guiding Prince Luigi to the castle. They all venture across the desert.

Noserocks... they look like the Rockbombs from Dragon Quest :)

The in-game Jimmy and Ross have a fight :O aw! It affects battle too with an Interrupt move. That's pretty clever!

The in-game Ross gives Holly a present and it's a New Car! Real life Holly says something about it never happening and Ross makes this face! Wish we saw it :) she was only joking of course just to see his reaction!

Holly buys a sweet looking robe :)

Ross and Jimmy have an interesting conversation about "MP Candy". This game is freaking uncanny!

Jimmy gets a Rainbow Mic too! Uncanny!

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