Sunday 6 August 2017

zelda's adventure part 5 - versus lort


Arin and Danny start with making each other smile :)

Wow! The enemies keep talking after they die! They're like Mustafa from Austin Powers :)

That's true, you can get pencils beyond no. 2. They go up to 5 as far as I know.

Arin reaches dead ends and isn't happy about it!

Man... does the music restart every time the screen transitions? That's gotta be torture...

They eventually make it to Lort's room.

Arin goes insane when Danny reads out that he doesn't have to use the green ring, which wastes rupees! After all that!

They eventually beat him though so it's a happy ending :)

That FMV cutscene afterwards is awesomely primitive too. It just has that charm, you know?

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