Thursday 31 August 2017

the return of boogerboss - good game episode 1 - #esportspeople


It's the first episode of Good Game on YouTube Red! Arin and Danny feature and the first episode doesn't cost money to watch, so why not have a look at this new thing :)

Arin plays as Ryland and Danny plays as Alex. They recruit for an eSports team to try and win lots of money. The recruiting process is pretty funny and looks a bit like it developed from one of their skits! The teammates they recruit allow for some witty interactions.

The part with the possum dying, I was expecting it to jump around and start screaming and attacking with lots of shaky camera but it didn't. Mainstream entertainment has something to compete with with this internet video streamy thing!

So yeah this has a road movie type of plot and the dialogue has wits, smarts and enjoyments. I have no interest in MOBAs and I found the show to be accessible and entertaining.

The part with Arin coming to terms with painful moments in his past as Boogerboss with the embarrassing video and everything is a good take on that kind of plot device. It reminds me of some of my favourite movies like Kingpin.

There's also something experimental and primordial about this show. It'll be fascinating to see how something like this develops.

I was thinking of putting all the names of the cast in here but... maybe the catch-all for Good Game will be okay.

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