Wednesday 9 August 2017

the cat in the hat with special guest dan harmon - return to the hat


Arin and Danny are joined today by Dan Harmon! Wow this is a long episode!

I never watched Cat In The Hat or played the game so this is all new to me.

This game is kind of like Klonoa or something. With the 2.5D platforming at least.

Dan's known for Rick and Morty and is involved with the Good Game show that Arin and Danny are in :)

Oh my gosh... I completely forgot that this game was played on the channel before! I had to look it up to see what I wrote about it too. Wow... I better make a new label for it :)

Dan finds the idea of being watched playing a game live to be pretty terrifying. It's still a new weird subculture thing alright :)

That Brad Pitt visual while Dan did the laugh was pretty good! As are the baby boomer references of one actor sounding like a sped up version of another actor. That's awesome :) Also, I love that diner scene in Five Easy Pieces!

But yeah, Mike Myers... Love his stuff and wanna continue loving his stuff as a fan! I know how they feel :)

That thing Dan talks about when you create something and you have to be its first fan... I know what that's like alright! It's a great point :)

The swirly toothpaste vortex things that bounce you forward causes Dan to go on an amazing rant that's gotta be heard! He's got a great point too about making an effort and stuff.

Danny tells the story of how his parents met and how his grandparents met too :)

At least Dan likes the jumping and the umbrella-ing in this game :)

It actually looks like you can get quite lost in this game if you lose focus at any stage...

I've never seen Community. Sounds like it was something special.

The boss is kinda like the ones from the Sonic DS games.

Oh man that joke about Dan's mother and the bath was hilarious!

Dan then goes off to get ice for his drink so it's regular Game Grumps for a while :)

I do remember when Back To The Future Part II was new and it was a really exciting current thing.

Arin's right, the early 90s were very much like the 80s :) they have an amazing discussion about nostalgia and stuff from the 80s and time lapses and making stuff about the 80s... Gosh... I wish I was part of this discussion. I never watched The Goonies though. My perspective is closer to Arin's here.

Hudson Hawk sounds crazy... I only remember seeing game adaptations for it being advertised in magazines.

Then they talk about critics and how it's kind of a weird thing now, especially when opinions can differ on a thing so much.

So yeah, this was a great, almost feature length episode! Also, this game is weird and looks like hard work to progress and open up paths and stuff. Very interesting to hear Dan's perspective on games and entertainment in general. He's knowledgeable, articulate and kinda fun too! That all made for a nice episode :)

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