Saturday 26 August 2017

the g club - shin godzilla - episode 10 - the godzilla i wanted to see


Arin and Danny get together to talk about Shin Godzilla like they said they would! Woo! I'd love to watch it... They kindly warn about spoilers but I don't mind :)

Ah so this was inspired by the Fukushima disaster? Quite timely.

They talk about Godzilla having gills and evolving and stuff. Sounds pretty cool, especially if the humans are monitoring it. Usually the humans are kind of annoying in Godzilla movies when they focus on them too much.

Arin talks about how he watched this movie on a plane from Japan to U.S. and discussed differences between cultures with people. Very interesting.

They bring up the 2014 Godzilla movie as well and compare the two.

Good episode and good debut for Danny on the podcast :) may there be many more!

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