Thursday 31 August 2017

episode 2: good game vr watch party - swishing around the grump spaces


Arin and Danny now do the second episode! The opening skit thing is them in Arin's office. I uh... haven't watched this episode... sorry.

So yeah, with the magic of VR, I can swipe between the view of the show footage and their faces as they give commentary. This VR thing should be on DVDs! The only thing is having to swipe between them all the time :P

The bar scene with Danny I mean... Alex and Ash and the little girl talking about Barbies was pretty good :). Good commentary on it as well.

Some pictures fly around the room at different stages of the video. Gives you lots to do with the camera which is cool :)

That end part at the Grump snack bar has Barry and... someone I don't recognise there. Had to swish the camera around to look at him.

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