Saturday 19 August 2017

zelda's adventure part 10 - organ noises going insane!


Arin and Danny unmute the detuned organ music and spend another two minutes slashing at the Pols Voice thing. They also have backup on Discord! They're gonna need it!

It's amazing to think how there are so few sources of expertise and help for this game.

I don't blame them for being speechless at that spinning demonic dude. That was pretty creepy. Also, the organ music is going insane. It's faster and more unsettling now.

After progressing as much as they can in so much time the game has, in their own words, defeated them. I can't imagine what it's like without the jump cuts in the video but they sound so miserable!

I hope they can come to cope with it and play more. This game is just a spectacle. They can have all the lollipops and help they can get because they're doing a wonderful thing by playing this for us. Thanks guys :)

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