Thursday 17 August 2017

zelda's adventure part 8 - zelda: vague nightmare edition


Arin and Danny bring this back by popular demand! Thank you guys! :D

Wow at that snake bursting into flames when they play the flute.

Goodness me, those ghost farmers are inaudibly amazing!

Wow the walkthrough wasn't kidding about that depressed shopkeeper. Imagine if Beedle was like that?

That ordinary person really did look like an enemy for a second. Like something from Gauntlet.

The environments really do look nice and have an atmosphere but yeah, they do look kind of weird and wrong. Something about them adds to the experience though.

They meet a friendly guy that gives them a feather. Okay! Why not! Sheesh!

They meet a fairy that heals them :) at least something familiar and slightly comforting!

The game really does look like a vague nightmare about Zelda and that's an awesome thing. I'm guessing a Zelda movie adaptation from the 90s with the same attitude as the Super Mario Bros. movie would be like this.

They go into a weird circus tent that traps them in a maze and the walkthrough runs out as well! This is a scary situation! This dungeon is actually quite creepy... If that is a Pols Voice, then this is truly Zelda: Nightmare Edition.

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