Friday 18 August 2017

zelda's adventure part 9 - two freaking minutes of swings defeat the pols voice


Before the video, Danny and Brian appear in the Grump Room to talk about a new TWRP video that came out! It features their own band Ninja Sex Party as well. I'll check it out soon :)

Arin and Danny continue through the nightmare circus.

For real there's a Zelda's Adventure speedrunner? That's awesome :)

The advice they got was to keep slashing at that Pols Voice thing for two minutes. That's weird... and they actually do this! At least they have each other to talk to while they slash at that thing for two minutes.

And it does take exactly two minutes! I didn't count the number of swings they took like they wanted though... sorry. According to the video comments it's about 280 swings. Yikes!

They defeat the Keese and obtain a key :) This makes sense at least!

That weird bridge that looks like meaty Spam loaf is disconcerting in many ways.

This place has Wizzrobes as well, so it's extremely dangerous as well as scary. They're just as difficult to defeat as the Pols Voice thingy.

Eventually they have to take a break from this dungeon before they go insane! It's alright for us with fast forward cuts! Hang in there guys :) they're looking for a thing that'll hopefully make the defeating process take less than two minutes.

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