Saturday 15 April 2017

doodle doods episode 6 - iron giant featuring ryan magee


Ryan blackmails his way onto Doodle Doods. It's a funny pun because... well, just watch. Ross and Chris OneyNG are here too to draw Iron Giant characters!

First is Hogarth. Ross talks about the time his Amazon Alexa started singing Frosty The Snowman in the middle of the night and scared the life out of him. He also admits to killing his sister's Furby. Aw! Ryan draws a funny Hogarth with collar wings!

Next is Kent Mansley. They draw him well and crazy except for Ryan, who isn't able to draw him with so many clothes!

Next is Dean. They do the coffee meme thing too!

Next is the General. Ryan draws a weird Beetle Bailey like character :P very funny :)

Next is the Giant. Ryan draws him with an a-shirt!

Great fun to see Ryan's drawings compared to Ross and Chris' detailed ones! All of them are funny though!

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