Tuesday 18 April 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 36 - storming van medoh

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg3mZHHaF6A

Arin and Danny sell lots of their stuff for all de monies! Fun little opener :)

Danny talks about the time he asked Brian if he thought about the fact that someday his daughter will grow up and possibly have sex with somebody. What a weird real life thing to think about, let alone discuss!

They try to climb a cliff and Arin is fully confident he'll make it, but he doesn't. Shucks!

Wow! Cool moose and rhino-like creatures in the snowy mountains!

They talk more about their work on the YouTube Red show. They talk about filming of driving scenes and how complicated and elaborate it is. Cool behind the scenes stuff!

Wow that part about taking down Van Medoh's shield with bomb arrows while gliding around is pretty cool :)

They go land on Van Medoh but their new buddy Teba has to go. It's funny the way they have him talking about weird bad news as an excuse for him to go!

They talk about more weird bad news stuff in general. Danny talks about a news story that his friend's dad remembered about "human testicles found on railway" or something as an opening news story but they never went back to it! It haunted his friend's dad ever since!

8 days of summer? Sounds like Ireland!

If you had an eyeball there then... some things would be a lot more interesting and other things would be a lot less interesting...

The dumbest death from the title happens when Arin shoots a bomb arrow that blows up on him and he falls over the railing and off the Van Medoh to his death! It's so funny they have a slow motion repeat of it!

It doesn't matter if the line was weak at the end, the dumb death moment itself makes for a great ending to the episode :)

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