Tuesday 25 April 2017

night in the woods part 18 - ghost detectives! woo!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPxkXJevBVs

Suzy and Arin research ghosties in the library! Woo! The voice of Bea will be provided by Arin since it's just her and Mae for a while :)

Yeah I agree with Mae. Having money should be guaranteed in general. Poor guy with that resumé :( how the world can become like that though and when? I really don't know.

Charity Bearity's pretty funny :) Imagine having to learn that stuff at 5? And in my case, doing it through Irish on top of that.

They go to the dusty dark top floor and look at archived newspaper clippings on a bright screen in order to search for clues about Mae's ghost. It's a cool, cosy moment and their exchange is cute :)

I'm glad Suzy's reading out the newspaper clippings!

That one about underground gases and weird dreams gets them talking! Eureka moment?

Oh! Mae and Bea have commentary on the articles too! Neat :)

The ghost detectives go check out their leads :)

Man... I gotta watch this series on Commander Holly's channel too...

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