Tuesday 4 April 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 22 - all the bananas

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxBZH5kAEoQ

Arin and Danny achieve transcendence among other memes.

Wow... Arin's gaslighting :) but imagine if Game Grumps, the Twitter and the subreddit was just Arin messing with Danny? That would be pretty nuts! What if this fan blog was all Arin's doing too? :P

They're in a place where they gotta be stealthy but they get rumbled and chased for ages.

Heh... lottery tickets :) maybe they're "ghost stickers" like in the Pokémon cartoon. :P

Very creative version of the Banana Boat song Danny sings :)

Ah that's cool. They can use the bananas to distract the enemies.

That's a very clever way to indicate a secret in the wall alright :) Woo! Game design!

They meat the leader of the Yiga clan, Master Kohga and there's a battle with him. It's funny the way his attacks fall on his own head!

The battle continues next time!

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