Thursday 6 April 2017

night in the woods part 12 - automaton and job chat


Suzy and Arin are ready to put together their robot!

"Hippity Hoppity! Get off my property!" that was cute :)

Suzy squees with glee at Gregg's sheepie tattoo! :)

It's kind of a sad surprise that Mae's buddies are moving away soon though...

Mae gets electrocuted again when she pushes the button to turn the robot on, but at least it works! Angus arrives home to witness the crazy scene.

Later, Mae has another chat with her dad and they talk about working again. But hey, they get to watch Garbo and Malloy again :)

So they see dad at night and mom during the morning.

Aw Suzy's all worried about the rats and Arin's teasing that they're probably dead. lol

Another creepy dream...

More musicians to activate. They talk about dreams about flying and gliding. Arin dreams that he glides like Knuckles. I often have flying dreams. They're sweet :)

The controller goes crazy at the end of the dream again and this time it's a squirrel bursting with light.

When they wake up they get more messages from their buddies :) yay for Bea and Gregg :)

Yeah I want them to visit Bea too! First, chat with Mama Snake of course! She's all busy with household bills and stuff... Job stuff isn't mentioned but... something might lead to it...

They head out before they can dwell on things. Outside it's Halloween time!

They go back to the mice children in order to feed them the pretzel. They were hungry :)

Next time, a chat with boo Bea!

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