Saturday 15 April 2017

night in the woods part 15 - what are pierogi like? i've never tried one


Suzy and Arin venture into the crawlspace. This place is huge!

Morning chat with Mom Snake :) it's... a serious one about them leaving college and why. It ends with them leaving the house. The Snake voice doesn't make it less real... Yikes.

Is something happening to the house? :(

Nice way to lighten the mood though by wondering if she's reading Twilight or something :)

That's a nice poem the guy had :)

They come across townspeople talking about the ferris wheel. They're not happy about it.

They finally meet Aunt mall cop again! She has a gun. They suggest she have a battle axe. :P

They meet the mouse kid from the roof. He's gonna watch Dracula movies and eat pizza and they marvel at how he has stuff figured out! I agree :)

They visit Angus' workplace. His spooky face is awesome :D

They visit Gregg instead of Bea :( visit Bea!!! Come on! Gregg's cool but... Bea! Bea bae!

They run off and smash some light bulbs together. Gorgeous sunset here... Are those oil rigs in the background? But yeah, it's like the light bulb smashing scene in 40 Year Old Virgin. At least it doesn't take the whole day :)

Outside, they reflect on the dismembered arm again.

They go past the Food Donkey and chat with... are they vagrants? Don't wanna say really.

I had to look up what a pierogi was. Dumplings! Dumplings are nice :) never had a potato one before... As an Irish person I am immediately fascinated!

They can't find Bea :( aw... maybe next time.

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