Saturday 1 April 2017

night in the woods part 9 - what's left of the mall


Suzy and Arin climb up the buildings even further and meet a rodent buddy they can talk to.

Love the voice Arin gives him! It's kind of like an Igor voice. He calls Mae killer as well... Yeesh...

Ah, no fall damage for falling off the roof. That's handy to know at least.

They go see Angus at work. He says he didn't cry as a baby, just growled. Some human babies are like that too!

No more Pastabilities?! Noooooooooo :(

Arin gives another great voice to a bird they talk to. A deep and monotone masculine voice which luckily suits the character perfectly!

They go see Gregg and then to band practice. They don't do that well again since they don't know the song. I just realised they're not playing on PS4 because the button prompts aren't PS buttons... Whoops! Gotta change the labels on this series!

They head out to the mall with Bea. The internet had a big effect on this place but some shops are still there like a dollar store. That's so true everywhere... So many places have closed here too but Euro stores are springing up everywhere.

They go into a store that's like "Hot Topic". Yes it can be tiring to be talked to and having bargain announcements spoken at you when you go into a store.

Mae shoplifts... :/ alright... I am relating less and less to this character... though I guess this is one of those bonding experience things though and what other people do in movies and stuff. You know, trying to seem cool in front of friends. That's relatable, even though the shoplifting itself may not be.

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