Saturday 1 April 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 20 - yuge desert


Arin and Danny get into the secret club with the secret password. Secret!

Whoa... cool luminous clothes :) Radiant suit and stuff.

They meet Riju the Gerudo chief and she's got voice acting! Arin's favourite character! Yes another one! Buliara is awesome. I'd feel safe as a chief with her around.

They have a chat and talk about that giant camel robot thingy. It's a good scene and Arin just about manages it, but afterwards he has to take a poopie break.

18 minutes later Arin comes back with a musing about Ben Stiller being told to sit stiller when he was a kid. They head back out into the desert.

They talk about the New Yorker tendency to say "Yuge" instead of "Huge" and Y in places instead of H.

They go into another shrine. Good shelter from the sandstorm and the heat!

Good point Danny! Arin hasn't blown himself up by accident in this Zelda session :)

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