Friday 21 April 2017

night in the woods part 17 - confiding in buddies


Suzy and Arin wake up in bed. That dark red scene was a dream. Aunt mall cop got her back to safety.

Messages from Bea and Gregg. Bea is super grateful to them for their help in the play and says she'll be cleaning up if they want to drop by. Aw :) Gregg apologises for not hanging out last night. Aw :) good buddies!

They didn't get to trick or treat but they got to see a murder! Yay?

They have a chat with Mom Snake and make up from yesterday. Aw :) They don't talk about what happened last night or with school yet. What was the thing that happened a few years ago?

Suzy and Arin talk about the parent-kid scenario in general. I don't know what to say either... I guess the mom being open to listen and wanting to talk is a good thing in general.

The right path is unblocked by the construction workers so they go that way. They sit at a bridge and hang out and find the welcome sign for Possum Springs. It is a sad town. Especially on this bleak and sad day :)

Yay they hang out with Bea :) band practice later. They don't talk about what happened with her either...

They go see Angus. More band practice excitement, still no chat about last night.

They go see Gregg and don't chat about what happened and go to band practice. They play a song about a creepy guy that's a pumpkin head guy. Mae's definitely in the mood for this song I'd say...

Arin does the DDR thing and Suzy sings the lyrics.

It cuts to after Mae has told them about what happened last night.

Bea suggests going to the library and they do. Wow... it looks like the underground part. There's even a mural of ancient times when there were jobs!

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