Wednesday 26 April 2017

shovel knight specter of torment part 9 - rilakkuma and cool sightseeing


Arin and Danny talk about a cute text Danny got from his mom.

It's really cute! It's responding to a Japanese thing Danny sent her :)

Yeah the Japanese love mascots :) I think part of that is to do with everything having a soul.

Arin has a big laugh when Danny tries to figure out "milk" in Japanese :) I love when English words are written in a phonetically Japanese way and you learn what they are when you read them out! For instance, "aisu kurimu"; well, what the heck is that. But try reading it out loud and it's literally how "ice cream" is pronounced in Japanese! Woo! :)

Danny talks about wanting to visit the real Sierra building when he came across it in Space Quest III :) I think that's a fab idea!

Arin talks about seeing the Chicago bean-shaped Cloud Gate sculpture.

Danny then talks about the Camera Obscura in Edinburgh. All sounds cool!

It's great when Danny keeps saying Arin's doomed but he has close calls and pulls through :) good luck charm indeed!

They finally confront Tinker Knight... battle next time!

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