Friday 28 April 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 46 - classic zora saying


Arin and Danny have fun with portmanteaus of their names before they meet Princess Mipha.

She gives them a power that's like some kind of permanent but rechargeable fairy.

Then the elephant robot thing shoots its laser towards the castle.

Then they head back to Zora's Domain and talk to the king again, who's so big they give him a voice where he can't speak properly :P

Yeah, I love the way they have Muzu saying everything angrily even though he is being nice and grateful :)

Also the way they have the king pretend to not know the Master Sword when Link doesn't remember either :)

That classic Zora saying is indeed a classic!

They get a safari mission to take a picture of a Lynel. They then talk about going to safari parks where you drive around with animals just outside your car.

Wow! You could make a reality show about the zoo chimpanzees :) love the way Arin describes a scenario in detail!

Nice of the editors to put in blood moon reminder text so the comments don't have to :)

Terry Tree Head was a good way to end it :D

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