Wednesday 19 April 2017

shovel knight specter of torment part 2 - enchantress town


Arin and Danny chance singing the lyrics to some song that is sung too quickly. The first lyric is "Informer" and that's all I know!

They report to the Enchantress and also meet the 'Edge Farmer and Horace.

Horace has a mini-game that's about climbing a randomly generated tower of obstacles while the floor hazard threateningly catches up. Kinda cool.

They discuss being a smartass vs being funny and... yeah there's a fine line sometimes isn't there? When you don't want to be a smartass and you get called out on it it's really embarrassing!

Danny talks about a cool teacher he had.

I hate when that happens too! When something pops up in front of you and you go "Gah!" as an honest reaction, even though you could be startling the driver of the vehicle you're in too!

They then go to the equivalent of the town from the original game, but with their own bad guy kind.

They donate gold to someone and it turns out to be the armour shop. As a result they can't afford any of the armour. Not yet anyway!

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