Wednesday 5 April 2017

elevator action - danny's turn!


Before the video, Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian appear in a sudsy hot tub to announce "The Ninja Sex Party Rock Hard 2017 Tour". Sounds pretty serious and cool! I hope there are enough Grump episodes being recorded... They announce a bunch of dates and TWRP and Starbomb will be featured too! Woo! Ninja Brian is mangling that rubber ducky!

Danny and Arin revisit Elevator Action for NES! Danny wasn't there for the Grumpcade episode, so here he is playing! Danny remembers the actual arcade version when he was growing up.

Danny talks about how it was really popular back in the day. Maybe because it was both a new idea and it was about being a secret agent type shooting baddies.

That's funny the dialogue they come up with where Arin plays as the character of "other countries' governments" being interested in buying U.S. secrets :) lol

Arin talks about the sequels and remakes that this game has. Interesting stuff!

Yeah that title screen is kinda old and rough.

Wow I never played that Kangaroo game Danny's talking about! I gotta try it :)

That bit of detail where they can shoot out the light is pretty cool.

At the end they talk about how many Game Grumps episodes there are at this point! Several thousand :) As for me I have over two thousand posts on this fan blog! Quite a lot!

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