Wednesday 19 April 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 37 - competitive grandmas


Arin and Danny revisit their character Arinanddan they came up with when they did Table Flip :)

They talk about hanging out with loads of new people for the first time in a few years.

This dungeon has a cool tilting mechanism :)

They talk about airports and rushing for flights on time and everything. Poor Danny getting sick while his name was being called out for his flight! Aw! He had to stay the night in the airport too!

Arin then tells Danny about Tom Hanks' character in The Terminal as he hadn't seen it. Usually it's Arin that hasn't seen the movie they talk about! I liked that movie :)

Man... I wanna see Shin Godzilla too...

Yeesh. I'd hate to miscommunicate "YouTube Red" for "U2 Bread". Might end up having an album thrown at me or something!

Wow that was a brilliant burn Brian had for Blink 182! Scorching!

Windblight Ganon shows up! Wow this dungeon didn't take too long. I suspect Arin's getting much better too.

The Rito companion says he was defeated because he was "winging it". Nice bird joke groaner there :)

Love the impression they do of Windblight Ganon's fussy mom :) and subsequently the competitive grandmas!

They defeat the boss without much hassle! Yay!

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