Friday 7 April 2017

grump's dream course part 55 - barack obama of the lovelies


Arin and Danny do AWESOME Barack Obama impressions all through the episode :) so funny and joyous and makes for essential watching!

Love the electrical sound effect Danny does as well near the start :)

And man... the laughing really kicks off when they say "gonna pre".

"Danny and Arnold" he says :P

What's that "yeehhhh boiiiii, put it in a sandwich!" thing about? Is it a reference to something else? It's pretty funny, even if it isn't :)

Oh boy! The "catch up on Game Grumps episodes" line hits home for me! But for Obama to say it is just the most fantastic thing! "Michelle! Get in here! They're doing an impression of me!" is among the gut bustingly funny lines! :D

And to imagine him having a troll account to comment on the episode too! That is hysterical!

Nice parasol into the hole there by Danny.

"Just learned My Caruba yesterday!". I would absolutely love it too if Barack Obama was a Game Grumps fan! Barack Obama Of The Lovelies :)

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