Thursday 20 April 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 38 - i pronounce florida and nevada the same way danny does! sorry arin...


Arin and Danny admire Link's giant beautiful eyes and meet Revali.

Revali has bird puns and smugness. He gives them a cool ability too before they move on.

That giant bird thing is awesome :) It would be rad if they could use it to fly around. It has to do the laser thing though.

Blupees are awesome :)

They go back to the Great Fairy Cotera for upgrading clothes.

Danny talks about looking up Carrie Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd and getting a weird kiss picture. They wonder what it's like to be celebrities on Taylor Swift's level and having to deal with paparazzis. I gotta look up that Taylor Swift walking backwards video... and... there are several videos where she walks backwards to avoid them. Sheesh :/

Arin toys with the idea of spray painting their lens if he gets that famous but then Danny brings up the subsequent headline about him losing it. Can't win!

Interesting discussion on the pronunciation of "Florida". I'm from Ireland but in my accent I pronounce it the same way Danny does! I also pronounce "Nevada" the same way wikiHow says it. Sorry Arin... It's just my own accent! Really funny fact finding going on though! :)

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