Monday 3 April 2017

shock troopers part 3 - be smart with money


Arin and Danny are on a train but by the time the level starts, that train has sailed! Classic Ross quote! Woo!

They talk a bit about Ross as an adjective and about David Schwimmer, the actor who portrayed the character Ross in Friends! I wonder what it was like for our Ross growing up?

Yeah, that's true about lawyers being expensive.

Must be stressful handling disagreements in the workplace as an overseer and stuff.

Wow... that flashing light. I'm surprised after all those health and safety things we get on game consoles nowadays.

Nice advice about being smart with money :)

I was never into Futurama either. No particular reason. A part of me still kinda thinks it's a new thing. Nothing to do with the fact that it takes place in the future or anything! Just, you know. Never got into it.

I like the Contra level complete chant that Danny does when they beat that boss :)

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