Thursday 13 April 2017

night in the woods part 14 - the night before halloween


Suzy appears before the video to talk about the limited shirt for the last time. This one is the same as yesterday but edited.

Suzy and Arin head home after their lovely day with Gregg and chat with Ocelot Dad. Makes sense here because ocelots are feline! :)

They talk about stress and adulthood and stuff before sitting down to watch more T.V. with Garbo & Molloy :)

Suzy's covering her nose to voice Molloy :) good voice acting from both of them here.

They go back online. Bea and Gregg are online. I hope they catch up with Bea irl soon! She's warmed to them :) they check with Gregg too and he's doing well, but going to get some good sleep. It was an emotional and tiring day with him!

They go to sleep... and another dream comes up. Looks stormy and scary. They talk about what the dream could mean and how Mae feels about her life after moving back home and about becoming an adult. There's a silhouette of Gregg here.

They do the usual activation of musicians. Yikes at the train speeding past!

The freaky animal that shows up this time is some kind of alligator coming down while opening its mouth before bursting into light

Messages from Bea and Gregg in the morning. Bea has an away message about an event and Gregg wishes them a Happy Halloween!

The crawlspace boxes have been moved! Woo!

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